Digg Loses the News, AllTop Takes Over

I don’t know about anyone else out there, but lately I find myself using Digg less and AllTop more.  It just seems that I find more real news and commentary on AllTop than I do on Digg these days.

Digg seems to have become more like the Farks of the world with who can submit the silliest and wildest links rather than focusing more on the news.  Also, since it’s an election year, I’ve had my fill of the “republicans suck” and “Obama Rules” stories getting on the front page of Digg.  But maybe that’s just me.  I’m okay with the occasional humorous post on Digg.  But it used to be about the news and really cool things the internet has to offer.  I think that much of this drastic change in focus on Digg can be traced to the point when Digg started allowing the submission of photos and videos.  When you could only submit articles of a textual nature, you had to really have something of value.  Now if you can jump on the latest meme before anyone else, you’ll hit the front page.

So what about AllTop?  It’s not like Digg in that you vote for the best content.  The AllTop folks scoure the internet in search of it.  They only take the best sites, catagorize them, and lay them out in a nice easy to navigate manner.  The sites at the top of a section update more frequently than those at the bottom and you can quickly scan a section and find articles that interest you.  Only interested in linux specific technology then you have a section.  Interested in reading more on personal finace?  You have a section too.  Sure you could use Google Reader for some of this, but then you’d have to search for the best content.  I’d rather have someone do that part for me.  Saves me the trouble of digging through the internet.

If you haven’t tried AllTop.com yet, you really should give it a try.  Especially if you are looking for some new way to find the latest and greatest content.  There is a lot of great content aggregated to AllTop so you’ll never really be at a loss for stuff to read.

What about you?  Have you moved on from Digg to something else?  If so what did you move to?  Leave a comment, tell us about your new favorite site for finding the best stuff on the net.

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10 Responses to Digg Loses the News, AllTop Takes Over

  1. Am I the only one who finds it ironic that an article about AllTop being superior to Digg already has two diggs?

  2. Michael Koby says:

    Nope, I find it a little ironic too. It'll be doubly ironic if it makes it to the Digg front page (not holding my breath though)

  3. john says:

    If you like alltop try popurls.com

  4. Marco says:

    I love Alltop.com as well for precisely the reasons you mention.I am a big believer that a weakness is little more than a strength carried too far. Through this filter I find Alltop's appeal and growing popularity an interesting response to what, imho, has become the web's weakness: the loss of the ability of tools like Digg to display the “best of” now that its adoption rate has gotten so high.It is a trend that I see occurring elsewhere on the web as well where the popularity of widespread, completely democratic applications are losing their appeal in favor of content selected by individuals who have a proven track record of identifying and diffusing things that the general population (or even topic-specific subsets) will also find interesting and beneficial.

  5. Michael Koby says:

    I've been to popurls.com. That site is just as cool, but it's slightly different in target audience. Still a cool website none-the-less and AllTop owes a lot to them as far as general design and layout goes.

  6. Am I the only one who finds it ironic that an article about AllTop being superior to Digg already has two diggs?

  7. Michael Koby says:

    Nope, I find it a little ironic too. It'll be doubly ironic if it makes it to the Digg front page (not holding my breath though)

  8. john says:

    If you like alltop try popurls.com

  9. Marco says:

    I love Alltop.com as well for precisely the reasons you mention.I am a big believer that a weakness is little more than a strength carried too far. Through this filter I find Alltop's appeal and growing popularity an interesting response to what, imho, has become the web's weakness: the loss of the ability of tools like Digg to display the “best of” now that its adoption rate has gotten so high.It is a trend that I see occurring elsewhere on the web as well where the popularity of widespread, completely democratic applications are losing their appeal in favor of content selected by individuals who have a proven track record of identifying and diffusing things that the general population (or even topic-specific subsets) will also find interesting and beneficial.

  10. Michael Koby says:

    I've been to popurls.com. That site is just as cool, but it's slightly different in target audience. Still a cool website none-the-less and AllTop owes a lot to them as far as general design and layout goes.

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