Mp3s & UltraID3Lib

As I started listening to my music this morning, I notice something odd in MediaMonkey. My album art was all kinds of messed up. I am not totally sure how this happened, but my album art was not right. Fortunately, even though I embed the artwork into the ID3v2 tags, I keep a jpeg file in each album’s folder so I always have a copy of the artwork. The good news is that, this file was not messed up in anyway on all the folders I checked. This means I can replace the embedded artwork with the file on my computer. But to do this manually would take hours. Hours that I do not have. The solution? Write a C# program to handle it for me.

Using the UltraID3Lib .Net ID3 Library, I was able to construct a program that handled this task in a nice way. Now, this is not perfect but it did manage to do the job I needed.  Code after the jump…


private static void FixAlbumArt(FileInfo MyFile)
  //Find the jpeg file in the directory of the Mp3 File
  //We will embed this image into the ID3v2 tag
  FileInfo[] fiAlbumArt = MyFile.Directory.GetFiles("*.jpg");
  if (fiAlbumArt.Length < 1)
    Console.WriteLine("No Album Art Found in {0}", MyFile.Directory.Name);
  string AlbumArtFile = fiAlbumArt[0].FullName;

  //Create Mp3 Object
  UltraID3 myMp3 = new UltraID3();
  ID3FrameCollection myArtworkCollection =

  if (myArtworkCollection.Count > 0)
  {//Get Rid of the Bad Embedded Artwork
    #region Remove All Old Artwork
    for (int i = 0; i < myArtworkCollection.Count; i++)
      ID3PictureFrame ra = (ID3PictureFrame)myArtworkCollection[0];
      catch { }

     //Save out our changes so that we are working with the
    //most up to date file and tags
    myMp3.ID3v23Tag.WriteFlag = true;
    #endregion Remove All Old Artwork
  //Create a PictureFrame object, pointing it at the image on my PC
  ID3PictureFrame AlbumArt =
    new ID3PictureFrame(
    PictureTypes.CoverFront, "Attached picture", TextEncodingTypes.ISO88591);
  myMp3.ID3v23Tag.WriteFlag = true;

  myMp3 = null;

Nothing too complicated, and this could probably be split up into multiple functions, but I was in a hurry (this took me about 15 minutes to get to a point that worked for me). I think that I might be able to thread this as well, since I have so many files doing a threadpool of like 10 or so files at once could speed things up a little bit.

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2 Responses to Mp3s & UltraID3Lib

  1. Yuriy Zaletskyy says:

    Versiion which I downloaded from the internet doesn't have public property ID3v23Tag.WriteFlag. So I can not change it. And whey I call myMp3.Write(), I am getting error .

  2. Yuriy Zaletskyy says:

    Versiion which I downloaded from the internet doesn't have public property ID3v23Tag.WriteFlag. So I can not change it. And whey I call myMp3.Write(), I am getting error .

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